Terms and conditions for excursions

General conditions for excursions


This General Conditions governs the mutual relations between the travel agency CROATIA DESTINATIONS. doo, Josipa Lenca Spodolčeva 23, OIB: 95299875716 as the organiser of the excursion or authorized intermediary (hereinafter referred to as the Agency) and the traveller or contractor of the excursion in the event that the excursion contractor concludes a contract for the benefit of a third party as a traveller (hereinafter referred to as "the traveller") .

Tour operator is a travel agency clearly indicated on the Tour Purchase Certificate (ticket / account) as the responsible organiser (hereinafter: tour organiser). If another tour agency or direct service provider other than the Agency is designated as a tour operator, the Agency acts as an authorized intermediary. The point of sale is a travel agency that pays for the trip.2.Buying excursions and paying

One-off payment of the price of the excursion, while providing the necessary information to the Agency verbally, by fax, e-mail, mail or via the Internet, the traveller concludes with the Agency a Excursion Contract consisting of a Tour Purchase Certificate (ticket / invoice), the excursion programme and the General General Conditions of Excursion subject to the conditions contained in the said documents. Unless otherwise stated in the programme, the traveller is obliged to pay the price of the trip 24 hours before the departure date.

3. Contents of the excursion

The content of the excursion makes, or the price of the excursion includes, all that is stated in the excursion programme. Some special and additional services (transfers, additional meals, tickets, tips, etc.) that are not included in the published price of the trip, which the Agency can provide and include in the Contract, the traveller pays separately. If the price of any of the requested services that the Agency can provide is not specified in the programme, the Agency will inform the traveller before the conclusion of the Contract. For special and additional services that the Agency cannot provide and include in the Contract and / or those requested by the traveller during the excursion and paid on the spot with the immediate service provider, the Agency shall not be responsible as the organiser of the excursion regardless of the assistance provided by the Agency representative to provide the traveller with the provision of these services and with information on the indicative prices of these services. The Agency may anticipate and require the traveller to pay certain services to be used abroad on the spot in the currency of the country in which he is located or to pay in advance the fees, fees or tickets specified by special regulations charged by the Agency on behalf of another person and for another person's account and whose amount cannot be affected, which are necessary for the realization of the service or excursion. For services paid on the spot, the traveller submits a possible complaint directly to the service provider, the Agency will inform the traveller in due time about the existence, amount, amount and any changes in the payment regime of the mentioned fees.4. Booking ProcessImmediately upon reservation, the Client pays as deposit, 30% of the total amount, of all travel expenses. The remaining amount fully dues 60 days prior to the first service.For reservations made within 60 days to 15 days prior to the first service, the entire payment must be made within 7 days of the made reservation. For reservations made within 14 days of first service, a full payment must be made within 24 hours of making the reservation. The reservation can be cancelled until the deposit/payment is made in the above mentioned periods and for each cancellation fee is charged according to the amounts specified in Item 7 of this Terms and Conditions.Any change made to the route plan, will be charged according to the above mentioned. Any changes to the route plan made during your stay in Croatia, must be paid within 4 hours of the made reservation.IMPORTANT NOTE: The cancellation policy may differ from the above conditions, depending on the services included in the roadmap. Upon reservation, the Client will be provided with an individual payment option, and the above terms will not be taken into account5. Advertising materials and announcements

The organiser is not responsible for any errors in the press or for subsequent changes in new issues of promotional materials and programmes that were brought to the attention of the traveller prior to the conclusion of the Agreement. In accordance with the regulations, employees of the point of sale are obliged to make available to the traveller promotional material and General Conditions of excursion, in written or electronic form, to provide appropriate notification of basic border formalities and other travel and residence formalities at the place of destination and the time required to complete these formalities. The notifications received by the traveller at the check-in point do not bind the Agency to a greater extent than the notices and information provided in the excursion programme itself.6.Excursion rates

Excursion rates are published in the excursion programme and are valid from the day the programme is published. The Agency reserves the right to change the price at least 7 days before the start of the trip if there are changes in the applicable tax regulations, changes in the exchange rate of the agreed currency, increase of transport costs, including fuel costs, or increase of fees for certain services (at airports and other airports, etc.) .) that affect the cost of the trip. In the case of fewer registered persons than the required minimum for the performance of the programme indicated in the programme, the Agency may propose a change of price or cancel the excursion upon refund to the buyer of the paid excursion price. The price increase is calculated in the same percentage as the calculation elements mentioned. In the event of a price increase, the traveller has the right to terminate the excursion agreement, in which case the traveller is entitled to a refund of the price paid up to that time without the right to compensation for damages and any insurance and related costs.

7.Programme changes and cancellation of trips

The Agency will promptly inform the traveller of any changes to the excursion programme. The Agency may cancel the excursion or make changes to the programme at any time if, before the start or during the excursion, exceptional circumstances arise which cannot be prevented, avoided or eliminated (war, unrest, strike, terrorist acts, sanitary disturbances, natural disasters, traffic accidents, sudden and unusual traffic jams, interventions by competent authorities, sudden changes in timetables, delays of aircraft and other means of transport, weather, etc.), which, if they occurred at the time of the conclusion of the Contract, would be a justified reason for the Agency not to conclude excursion agreement. In particular, the Agency reserves the right to change the day and time of departure for the journey due to the change of the timetable or the occurrence of other previously mentioned circumstances, as well as the right to change the direction of travel due to changed circumstances, without compensation to the Passenger and according to the applicable regulations in passenger traffic. The Agency is not responsible for the delay of the aircraft, ship or train, as well as for changes to the programme and the costs incurred as a result of such delay. The Agency reserves the right to cancel the excursion in whole or in part if it does not conclude excursion contracts for the minimum number of Passengers specified in the programme. In the aforementioned cases, the traveller is entitled to a refund of the price paid up to that time without the right to compensation for damages and possible insurance and similar costs.

In the event of cancellation of departure, the Agency may offer the Passenger a second day of departure or a second trip. The traveller must state without delay whether he accepts or declines the modified or replacement trip. If the traveller refuses the change and the excursion trip or disobeys the offer of the Agency, then the contract is terminated and the traveller has the right to a refund of the price paid up to that time without the right to compensation of damages and possible insurance and similar costs.

In case of acceptance of the modified contract or the replacement trip, the traveller has no claims against the tour operator or the intermediary from any legal basis, except for the right to a refund of part of the price, if the replacement trip has a lower price.8.Cancellation PolicyIn case of cancellation of a reservation made via CROATIA DESTINATIONS d.o.o., the above mentioned penalties will apply:15% of the amount up to 45 days prior to the first service;30% of 44 to 25 days before the first service;50% of 24 to 15 days prior to the first service;75% of 14 to 7 days prior to providing theThese percentages are the total cost of travel arrangements contracted by CROATIA DESTINATIONS d.o.o, and not yet paid amounts. All the above refers to working days, from Monday to Friday, between 9 am and 5 pm, calculated by date and time in Croatia.Whether or not some hotel and service cancellation policies are more restrictive than those listed above, cancellation policy will be applied.IMPORTANT NOTE: Depending on the services included in the travel plan created for passengers, the cancellation policy may differ from the above conditions. Upon reservation, the individual cancellation clauses will be provided to the Client, while the above conditions will not be taken into account.TRANSPORT SERVICE DELAY POLICYTransportation services are planned for the maximum waiting time for pick-ups up to 30 minutes and for transport to the airport for up to 1 hour, after which time CD will not be able to complete the agreed service.If you inform us in time about the need to wait for the purpose of transport, over time planned for waiting, CROATIA DESTINATIONS will provide the transport or pick up above the above-mentioned service limit. In that case, for each overdue, a fee of EUR 50.00 will be applied automatically.9.Excursion cancellation fees

If the traveller cancels the excursion, the Agency withholds for the compensation of damages from the total price of the excursion (unless stated otherwise in the programme):

0-12 hours before departure 100% of the trip price12-24 hours before departure 50% of the trip price.

Passengers who do not arrive at the point of departure at the time indicated on the excursion ticket or programme are not entitled to a refund. If the damage actually caused exceeds the aforementioned, the Agency reserves the right to charge the damage, up to a maximum of 100% of the excursion price. The aforementioned cancellation costs also apply to changes to the departure date and to any other significant changes made by the traveller, unless otherwise stated in the excursion programme.

The Agency may cancel the excursion no later than 12 hours before departure for reasons which do not represent exceptional circumstances that cannot be prevented, avoided or eliminated, in which case the traveller shall be entitled to a refund of 100% of the paid excursion price in the event of compensation, unless otherwise stated in the programme.

If the Agency cancels the excursion due to the occurrence of circumstances that represent exceptional circumstances that cannot be prevented, avoided or eliminated, the Agency may do so at any time and then the traveller shall also be entitled to a refund of 100% of the paid excursion price unless otherwise stated in the programme.

If the Agency cancels the excursion or changes the excursion programme for any reason, the traveller will not be entitled to a refund, indemnity, reimbursement of insurance costs and similar charges except as expressly stated herein.

10.Responsibility for personal documents and the personal safety of passengers

The Passenger is obliged to possess a Certificate of Purchase of a Trip (Ticket), a valid travel document if traveling abroad, and to ensure that he personally, his documents, luggage and belongings meet the conditions stipulated by the carrier and those stipulated by the border, customs, health and other regulations of his country, as well as the country through which he or she travels, and the Agency is not responsible for the decisions of officials denying the Passenger transportation, refusing to issue a visa, or not allowing entry into a particular country or for the costs incurred as a result. If, for the reasons stated above, the trip is canceled before or during the trip, the Agency reserves the right to recover damages as defined in these General Conditions. In addition to the travel programme, the traveller is obliged to adhere to the house rules in the catering and in the means of transport, and to cooperate with the Agency's representative and service providers in good faith. In the event of non-compliance with these obligations, the Agency eliminates all liability for the damage caused, and the traveller pays the same at the scene. It is the responsibility of the traveller to observe the personal safety rules that would be used by every average person. The Agency is not responsible for the actions of the traveller regarding his personal responsibility. The cost of losing or stealing documents during the voyage shall be borne by the traveller. Provided that this does not in any way affect the implementation of the excursion programme and does not create additional cost to the Agency, the Agency representative (tourist escort or guide) will provide personal assistance to the traveller in the formalities related to contacts with local authorities, Croatian diplomatic missions, health institutions and the like. In all other cases, the traveller is obliged to resolve such formalities personally and at his own expense. If, due to the completion of such formalities, the traveller is unable to continue the journey under the programme, the Agency shall consider cancelling the trip. The Agency shall not be liable for the costs and any damage that the traveller may suffer on this basis. The traveller is obliged to inform the Agency in due time of any facts regarding his / her health, habits, etc. which could endanger the excursion (health problems requiring special nutrition, chronic diseases, allergies, etc.).

11.Replacing passengers

If the traveller is prevented from commencing the journey, he / she may designate a third party as a replacement traveller to use the services contracted for him / her and shall notify the Agency in writing in a timely manner. The Agency will accept a third person appointed as a replacement passenger if informed in a timely manner, if the third person fulfills all the envisaged conditions for the excursion, if there are no legal or other obstacles preventing the replacement of the passenger and if it is possible to change the reservation. Prior to the commencement of the journey, the replacement passenger or passenger shall reimburse the Agency for any additional costs caused by the replacement of the passenger.12.Baggage

The Agency is not responsible for the carriage of luggage, and is not responsible for destroyed or lost luggage, or for theft of luggage or valuables in a vehicle. Check-in for lost luggage The traveller is directed to the carrier or accommodation. 

Special luggage (bicycle, surfboard, golf equipment, musical instruments and similar items) is required to be announced by the traveller prior to the conclusion of the Agreement and may be subject to a surcharge. If possible, the Agency will attempt to satisfy the Passenger's pre-announced additional request for special luggage but cannot guarantee the fulfillment of such a request. The carrier has the right not to receive additional and special luggage due to capacity limitations. The Agency shall not be liable for any costs or damages suffered by the traveller as a result. 

The passenger himself is obliged to take care of his belongings brought into the cabin of the vehicle (bus, boat, van, car, ...) and must bring them with him each time he leaves the vehicle. Otherwise, the Passenger bears sole responsibility for the theft, loss or damage of things left in the cabin of the vehicle without their supervision. 

Pets are not allowed, except in exceptional cases upon request and at extra cost. The Agency cannot guarantee the fulfillment of such a request.13.Complaints

If the traveller during the excursion raises an objection regarding the failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of one of the contracted services, he / she shall abide by the instructions of the tour operator / service provider on the procedure and cooperate with the representative of the tour operator / service provider in order to eliminate the cause of the complaint at the place of provision of the service.

In case of non-fulfillment or irregular fulfillment of services from the arranged excursion organized by the Travel Agency, the traveller Agency may initiate the complaint procedure prescribed by these General Conditions in order to eliminate the irregularities observed. Immediately after a perceived failure at the point of service provision, the traveller is obliged to file a complaint for inadequate service to the person who provided the service in the presence of a representative of the Agency. 

The traveller is obliged to cooperate with a representative of the Agency and the service provider in good faith to eliminate the causes of complaint. If the traveller does not accept on-site the offered complaint solution corresponding to the contracted service, the Agency does not have to accept the subsequent traveller's complaint. No later than 8 days after returning from the trip, the traveller submits a written complaint to the point of sale to which he paid the trip. The passenger is obliged to explain the allegations and present them. The Agency will only deal with fully documented complaints that it receives within the specified period of 8 days and make a written decision on the objection of the traveller within 15 days of receipt of the complaint from the point of sale. The Agency may postpone the deadline for resolving the complaint by another 15 days to collect information and verify the complaint's allegations with the service provider. Until the Agency has rendered a decision, up to a maximum of 30 days from the filing of a written complaint, the traveller waives the mediation of any other institution or judicial institution and waives the provision of information in the media and the media. Likewise, within the stated 30-day period, the traveller waives the right to sue. 

A proportionate reduction in the cost of a complaint may reach the amount of unused portion of the services, and compensation for damage incurred by default, partial fulfillment or failure to fulfill obligations is limited to the amount of the excursion price. This excludes the traveller's right to compensation for actual damage.

Each customer complaint is submitted separately. The organiser reserves the right to reject group complaints, complaints that do not arrive on time, and those found to be remedied at the place of provision of services, and the traveller did not cooperate with the organiser's representative.14.Final Provisions

This edition of the General Conditions excludes any previous issues. Possible / predicted deviations from these General Conditions must be stated in the text of the excursion programme.

By purchasing the excursion, the traveller who is the parent of the minor child - the traveller, also confirms that the other parent is aware of and expressly agrees to the Excursion Agreement, for which he is liable materially and criminally.

By purchasing an excursion, the traveller voluntarily makes personal information available to the tour organiser / facilitator and allows the trip to be used for the purpose of conducting the excursion and protecting the traveller's interests in all activities related to the contracted excursion / service. It also includes the transfer of personal information to third parties at home and abroad, which are necessary for the realization of the arranged trip / service. Personal information can also be used to further communicate with one another and to deliver marketing messages to the Agency. The Agency is obliged to keep personal data in the database, in accordance with the Agency's decision on how to collect, process and store personal data.

By purchasing a trip, the traveller confirms:

 that prior to the conclusion of the contract, the tour operator / intermediary has made available to him / her an adequate notice of the basic border, visa and health formalities regarding travel and stay at the place of destination, as well as the time required to complete these formalities. was offered and recommended travel accident and sickness insurance, baggage damage and loss, voluntary health insurance during travel and stay abroad, travel cancellation insurance and insurance to cover the costs of assistance and return of passengers to the point of departure in the event of an accident and illness, and that he is familiar with the contents of the insurance. In the event that the traveller requires the aforementioned insurances, they can be contracted directly with one of the insurers or with the Agency as an intermediary in the insurance contracting.

Buying the excursion is considered to mean that travellers have been offered and recommended the aforementioned travel insurance.

The Parties undertake to settle possible disputes by mutual agreement. If this is not possible, the court in Rijeka shall have jurisdiction in the event of a dispute, and Croatian law shall apply.CROATIA DESTINATIONS. Ltd., Josip Lenca Spodolčeva 23, OIB: 952998757161

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